Carpe Diem Y’all by Michele Bernard

Writer, Texan, Semi-interested Sports Fan

Get it Together Get it Togeter Get it Together

  • 370711782.jpgBegin at the beginning,” the King said gravely, “and go till you come to the end; then stop.”–Lewis Carroll (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)
  • It’s a gift really. I’m talking about my ability to focus on many things as once.  It’s as if I was otherwise occupied when they passed out the filtering system that tells me that this piece of stimuli is more important than that bit of stimuli.  Most likely I was researching a story idea, that reminded me of another subject I wanted to learn more about, that made me think of this guy I went to school with, that looks alot like the postman, that makes me remember to check the mail, pay the bills, make the grocery list, clean out the junk drawer, return library books, de-clutter the office, not to mention the hall closets, get receipts together for the accountant, work book edit, contact business profile clients, do billing, and oh, and yeah, catch up on blogging. 

    January in Texas equals spring cleaning at my house/home office.  It’s my month to make order out of the chaos that was last year and yesterday.  When do you, and how do you get it together?  Or do you?  Carpe Diem Y’all, Michele

    January 17, 2008 Posted by | Blogroll, Carpe Diem Quotes, Family, Freelance Writing, Her Royal Nerdiness, Michele's Musings, Winter, Writerly Stuff, Writers, Writing | 3 Comments